
Ring middleware providing RFC7240 (Prefer Header for HTTP) support.

Most users will only need to add wrap-prefer to their middleware stack, although prefer-request and prefer-response may be useful for Pedestal interceptors.


(parse-prefer-header v)

Parse one or more Prefer headers into a map of preference names to Preference instances.


(prefer-request request)

Apply RFC 7240 handling to request map.

Prefer request headers will be parsed into Preference record instances and added to the request map under the key :prefer as a map of preference name -> Preference.


(prefer-response response)

Apply RFC 7240 handling to response map.

The response map may contain a :prefer key, whose value may be a single Preference instance, a map with Preference values, or collection of Preference instances. These preferences will be used to add Preference-Applied headers to the response map.


(preference name)(preference name stringValueOrParamMap)(preference name value params)

Construct a Preference, with mandatory name and an optional value and / or paramMap. Preference records have three keys:

The name of the preference.
The primary value of the preference, or nil if there is none.
A map of any secondary parameters specified by the preference.


(preference? p)

Return true iff p is a Preference record instance.


(wrap-prefer handler)

Wrap handler with middleware for dealing with RFC 7240 preference headers in both request and response maps. See prefer-request and prefer-response for more details on request / response handling.